Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Report on Intervention Strategy

Question: Write a report (no more than 1200 words) outlining an intervention strategy that specifically targets one or more elements of the problem identified in your first report. 1) Propose an overall vision as to what change is possible, and how it might be achieved Aim: to demonstrate a clear understanding of (a) what element/s of the problem can and should be targeted for change, and (b) provide a very brief overview of how such change could be affected. 2) Explain your intervention strategy . 3) Evaluate why your strategy should be effective Aim: Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of your intervention by explaining why it should work. This can be linked to academic theory and research evidence for higher level support. Answer: Overall vision about change As referred to in the first report, the issue of environmental littering has been highlighted which has become a concerning aspect for the present generation. This environmental issue is a cause if the human habits. In the report it has been mentioned that people tend to throw cigarette butts, soda cans, bottles, wrappers, garbage, and plastic bags on the ground that create litter. All these items release chemicals in heavy amount that accumulates in the environment and impacts in a fatal way upon the environmental health as a whole. So, it is important to address the issue considering it to be a priority (Torgler, Frey Wilson, 2009). In this part of the report, an overall vision has been proposed mentioning about the changes required and these changes can be brought about. It explains an effective intervention strategy to control and curb this major issue. The report also focuses on the evaluation of the proposed strategy to assess how effective it is to mitigate the environmental problem. Environmental litter has negative impacts upon the planet as it damages the surroundings where we live, play, and work. This issue has been the result of human habits due to various reasons. As per environmentalists, effects of environmental litter include harmful effect to our storm water system, streams, rivers and oceans and our wildlife (Wisti, 2010). Animals die due to eating plastic grocery bags that are left on the ground. Litter is very harmful for human health and to remove these expenses need to be incurred. In this type of issues that are caused by human habits, it is important that the sources of problems are well identified and then to thinks about the changes that can be brought about. It is significant to cause changes as this is the only way to manage such a problem. Intervention Strategy Firstly it is important to bring about changes in the way human beings think and behave. When their thoughts are such that they feel concerned for their environment and future, it is only then that some initiatives may be taken by them to prevent any sort of environment issue or pollution. Changes may be brought about in the ways people around the world are made aware of the ever increasing issue of environmental litter. Education and awareness are the most significant means to mitigate the issue of environmental littering (Torgler, Frey Wilson, 2009). The increasing population of the world needs to be made aware by the process of education and learning so that the community is addressed upon the growing concern for environmental littering. Another way is to use pre and post butt cleanup for ensuring that public places like parks, pavements, campuses, and beaches are smoke-free and clean. This approach may be introduced by the government of different countries to manage the problem. Some of the other interventions may be Bottle bills that is a deposit return policy which would be greatly helpful in reducing the waste from the disposable bottles and other plastic disposables. The scheme may also be imposed upon cigarette butt usage. The government must take immediate action on banning the use of plastic bags and such policy must be made mandatory. Apart from educating public and large masses with measures and desired actions to impact positively upon the environment, it is also important to maintain amenities that would remind the public of the awareness ('Tiny galaxies littering early universe disappeared from the scene', 2008). For instance, there must be a bin kept at every public places in short distances to remind individuals to throw unwanted objects and items into those bins only. The problem is more acute in urban regions as compared to that of the rural regions. In cities, it is a common phenomenon that travelers who travel by various transport means are tend to throw unwanted items through the window on the road. This needs to be banned by the national governments. Government must put regulations in a way of penalty system for doing so or littering the environment. At multiple locations, sign boards must be put up that creates awareness among all passers-by. Besides, additional taxes must be imposed on the tobacco use like that of cigarette butts, plastic bags, etc. The most important factor is self-awareness (Schultz, Bator, Large, Bruni Tabanico, 2011). Unless an individual is determined himself to pay special attention to the environment, it would not be possible to bring about any changes. So t he first and foremost thing to do is to raise self awareness and conscience. This would be the key step in the process of mitigating the environmental problem. Government must make policies to recycle paper, plastics, bottles, and cans. Individuals must buy only those items that have a biodegradable packaging. At schools and colleges, litter pick-up groups must be initiated to teach students the habit of keeping environment clean and healthy. Organizations may provide incentive to employees to recycle as it may act as motivation to feel concerned about the environment (Chitotombe, 2014). Public seminars may be arranged at regular period of time at the community to support public in understanding the harmful effects of environmental litter and how this may affect their lives in the long run. Just the way it is the responsibility of the individuals to raise self-awareness, it is also important for the government to take effective actions and measures to protect the environment. How Strategies can be Effective The interventions that have been proposed above may prove to be highly effective in preventing and mitigating the problem. These interventions have been suggested after careful thought process and research. It has been rightly said that self-awareness is the most significant requisite whereby individuals raise their conscience and awareness regarding the environment where they live and sustain life. So, education and imparting of learning is important to be undertaken to educate large mass (El-Shawk, 2014). When knowledge and learning is inhibited within the individuals, they would take measures on their own without any sort of compulsion or enforcement. Secondly, government plays a major role in maintaining environmental health. It must frame policies and regulations to counteract the causes of environmental litter (Torgler, Frey Wilson, 2009). Government must put regulations in a way of penalty system for doing so or littering the environment. At multiple locations, sign boards mu st be put up that creates awareness among all passers-by. Besides, additional taxes must be imposed on the tobacco use like that of cigarette butts, plastic bags, etc. In this type of issues that are caused by human habits, it is important that the sources of problems are well identified and then to thinks about the changes that can be brought about. It is significant to cause changes as this is the only way to manage such a problem (Ojedokun, 2011). Firstly it is important to bring about changes in the way human beings think and behave. When their thoughts are such that they feel concerned for their environment and future, it is only then that some initiatives may be taken by them to prevent any sort of environment issue or pollution. Changes may be brought about in the ways people around the world are made aware of the ever increasing issue of environmental litter. References Chitotombe, J. (2014). Interrogating Factors Associated with Littering along Road Servitudes on Zimbabwean Highways.Environmental Management And Sustainable Development,3(1), 181. doi:10.5296/emsd.v3i1.5023 El-Shawk, S. (2014). Plastic debris littering the oceans goes missing.Nature Middle East. doi:10.1038/nmiddleeast.2014.182 Ojedokun, O. (2011). Attitude towards littering as a mediator of the relationship between personality attributes and responsible environmental behavior.Waste Management,31(12), 2601-2611. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2011.08.014 Schultz, P., Bator, R., Large, L., Bruni, C., Tabanico, J. (2011). Littering in Context: Personal and Environmental Predictors of Littering Behavior.Environment And Behavior,45(1), 35-59. doi:10.1177/0013916511412179 Tiny galaxies littering early universe disappeared from the scene. (2008).New Scientist,198(2653), 16. doi:10.1016/s0262-4079(08)61019-2 Torgler, B., Frey, B., Wilson, C. (2009). Environmental and Pro-Social Norms: Evidence on Littering.The B.E. Journal Of Economic Analysis Policy,9(1). doi:10.2202/1935-1682.1929 Wisti, E. (2010). Just Here for Littering.Red Cedar Review,45(1), 68-73. doi:10.1353/rcr.0.0059

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